
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fortnightly Contest #1

So after seeing a blog that was running a contest for their followers to win a prize, I decided to do the same thing. Once a fortnight I will "try" come up with a new idea for my followers to compete in and if lucky enough win a prize. Otherwise I will just re-do another contest. I will send the prize directly from the website to your address. Closes 5th April.
  1. Comment on the post, Pick a number between 1 - 1000 you would like to enter with (lucky number etc)
  2. At the end of the contest I will use a random number generator ( I made in c# :P) to choose the winner.
  3. First in first served on the number.!
  4. One comment only!
  5. Good luck!
The prize is a selection out of the following:

(If in the event no one had chosen the number I get, It will roll over to the next contest. Kind of like lotto :))

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

comic of the day 12

Who would win #1

So I have decided to have a "who would win" section every week. Will post the two challengers, and it is up to you guys to convince me on why one would beat the other. VOTE BELOW!

Round 1 FIGHT!

Who would win?
Bruce Lee
Mike Tyson free polls

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Comic of the day 11

Monday, March 28, 2011

Should I put down the cat?

So me and my partner have this cat, it's about 11 years old, it has been pissing inside now for a while (which is stinking out the place) even if he has been outside the whole day, then comes inside JUST TO PISS. He gets up on the bench and eats food, no matter how many times to tell it to get off. Plus he attacked me today when I tried to get him outside which has lead me to make this poll :P. I love animals and feel it would be cruel to put him down, but kind of at the point where it seems necessary, he has had a good life.

So vote please and leave a comment.

(Not my cat)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hangover Cures

As I sit here writing this post with a pounding headache and dry mouth feeling sorry for you, I shall post the top 10 hangover cures I found that actually work.

  1. Water - Whether it's while your drinking, before you go to bed, when you wake up, just drink it.
  2. Sports drink - Powerade, Gatorade, whatever your poison get it down yah, will restore electrolytes.
  3. Pain killers - Wouldn't really recommend them as mixing with alcohol isn't so good for your liver, but they work.
  4. Vitamins - Low levels of B-6 and B-12 can intensify a hangover, but don't take the all the time.
  5. Berocca - Have that b for that b b bounce, revitalize yourself.
  6. Prickly Pear - Gets rid of Nausea, dry mouth, loss of appetite,  but won't kill the headache.
  7. Tripe soup - would not recommend this one.
  8. Rosiglitazone - know any diabetics? They might have some of these pills lying round, boosts glucose levels.
  9. Alchohol - Start drinking again, if you can't beat it join it.
  10. Open - Leaving 10 open for suggestions in the comments :), off to buy me a blue Powerade!!

Comic of the day 10

Friday, March 25, 2011

Child Genius

So .. was reading an article on a 12 year old "Jacob Barnett" a child genius, who has began expanding on Einstein's theory of relativity. Is quite interesting, I recommend you give it a read.

Here is a YT video of him explaining how stars die.

What you think about parents putting children into University at such a young age, and the implications it has on their social life. Discuss in comments please :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Woot thanks guys for following me! here's a comic for your troubles!

Dog forgets to jump

Laughed pretty hard at this, especially after where in dog language he say "wtf you laughing at bitch" :)

Free Downloads

Hi all have come across some cool free downloads lately so will list them off for anyone interested.

PC Optimisation

  1. Baku - Allows you to search for system registry errors and unneeded files. Link
  2. Process hacker - A feature packed tool for manipulating processes and services. Link
  1. Keepass password safe - a free/open source password manager which helps manage all your passwords Link
  2. combofix - Scans your pc for know n malware, and when found, attempts to clean these automatically. Link
  1. Burnaware - one of the most popular free cd/dvd/bluray burning software available. Link
  2. fotosketcher - converts photos in to pieces of art. Link
  1. Generally - a classic 4x4 rally game. Link
  2. Zuma's revenge - 60 levels of stone firing to destroy the stream of balls. Link
Just a few bits of software, who doesn't love free software? :)
If you have any other freeware software that you think deserves recognition, insert in the comments please.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Comic of the day 8

Top 10 Pet Peeves

My top 10 pet peeves, in no peeving order.
  1. Drivers who don't indicate when turning
  2. Noisy eaters
  3. Mouth breathers
  4. People who don't clean their laptops i.e food and dust all through it.
  5. Couples who say "we are pregnant" are they sharing a uterus?
  6. Realizing there is no toilet paper, after you have gone.
  7. People saying nothink instead of nothing
  8. Vegetarians, who expect a vege meal, but if they are cooking for you won't cook meat.
  9. Parents smacking their children in public
  10. Woman breast feeding in public.
These are just a handfull of many ( I am easily irritated as you can tell)

Feel free to add to this list in the comments section :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

comic of the day 7

Should I change up the comics? or keep C & H?, leave a comment :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

This weeks photos

If you have any questions on how I do these, don't be afraid to ask!


mans best friend

my 2 coloured eyed cat


comic of the day 6

Lucid Dreaming

For about the last month or so I have been training myself to lucid dream. What is lucid dreaming you may ask?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
lucid dream, in simplest terms, is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik van Eeden (1860–1932).[1]
A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness.
Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[2][3]
Scientists such as Stephen LaBerge and Allan Hobson, with his neurophysiological approach to dream research, have helped to push forward the understanding of lucid dreaming into a less speculative realm.

Here is the link for more info

So just the other night I experienced my first lucid dream, and last night my second. The second one was better as I had more control over it. I did a reality check which told my brain I was dreaming, I then went on to start flying (which felt awesome) but soon woke up. There is a lot to learn about keeping the dream alive etc. which I can now work on since I have experienced this.

Here's a video from discovery channel, explains a bit, and how Einstein etc could have used these techniques to invent what they did.

If you want to give it a go do a lot of research here are some sites you should definitely look at: - A very informative forum who are great at giving advise. - A school of knowledge on how to lucid dream

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Comic of the day 4 and 5

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nathan Mccullum ripped off, bad umpiring.

Watching the black caps take on Sri-Lanka last night, which we lost unfortunately. Nathan Mccullum had a fantastic caught and bowled. The call goes to the t.v umpire who calls it not out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Which makes me bring up the discussion of useless umpires ruining a game of cricket.

See the catch for yourself and comment on catch or not?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Comic of the day 3

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More photos

Thought I would post some more lego and water drop photos I found while digging around my desktop. Really need to clean it up :P, enjoy!

Dark Assassin
Hand me down

sneaky suspicion
Dolphin and ball water

Comic of the day

Click for larger image (hard to read)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Photo's I have taken

Got into photography a while ago, thought I would share some as Mr. Mechanic has asked ever so nicely. Loving macro techniques at the moment. Recently purchased a Canon 100mm Lens, here are some shots that came out of it.

Garden Statue
Purple flower

Lego fun

Water drop

Will post more as I get out and about, have been slack lately. Going to the Highlanders game this week, so might take the camera along and get some shots!

Comic of the day

Cyanide and Happiness comic strip of the day.

Foo Fighters to play Auckland, quake concert.

Foo fighters are to play at the Auckland Town Hall on tuesday 22nd of March, to raise funds for the Christchurch Earthquake appeal. All proceeds will go to the charity! Tickets go on sale Friday 18th March from, get in fast as I'm sure they will fly out the door.

Image source:

Radiohead's new album

Radiohead are one of a few bands who I can listen to over and over again, and never get sick of them. The other week I purchased their new album, and have to say it is close to one the best so far! Behind Kid A, and OK Computer, and the bends.

Here is the single that came off the album (Great song and choreography!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Post!

Hi all, thought it was about time I started a blog! Here you will expect to see news, technology, sports, books videos, music, cartoon strips, photographs, everything and much more. I am going to have a cartoon a day, so make sure you visit to keep up to date!

Credit to make sure to visit for more Cyanide and Happiness strips.